Information (On Campus Only)
Public Hearing
R6.January – Public Hearing Schedule_Excellence_Graduate_School_of_Sciences.pdf
Guidelines for applicants for employment as research assistants worth 200,000 yen per month in 2023
The Graduate School of Advanced Photonics and Electronic Device Science will hire one Research Assistant (RA) worth 200,000 yen per month for the fiscal year 2023 for those who have applied for a JSPS Research Fellowship (DC1) but have not been selected. If you wish to be hired as an RA worth 200,000 yen per month, please complete the following procedures.
【Recruitment period】
January 26, 2023 (Thu.) – February 3, 2023 (Fri.) 17:00
【RA employment period】
April 2023- March 2024
(There will be no hiring in March 2024, but the 11-month period from April to February will provide the equivalent of 12 months’ worth of hours.)
Students who are enrolled in the doctoral course or will enter the doctoral course in April 2023, who have applied for a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship (DC1) but were not selected for the fiscal year 2023, and who have received an approximate grade rank of “A”
【Documents to be submitted】
Application form for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship (DC1), letter of evaluation result (including rejection letter), and list of achievements (achievements since the time of application for DC1)
【Notification of Results】
The applicant will be notified directly by February 28, 2023.
Those who are not selected as RAs worth 200,000 yen per month or who do not apply* will be hired as RAs worth 100,000 yen per month*. For those who have been hired as RAs by Kyoto University or their graduate school, or those who have been selected for the Advanced Quantum Technology Fellowship for Future Creation (Quantum Fellowship), support from these fellowships will be included (not all support from both fellowships will be available). For those who have been selected for DC1 or DC2, those who have received a monthly stipend of 120,000 yen or more, or those who have received a Japanese Government Scholarship, the monthly stipend is equivalent to 20,000 yen.
Those who are employed as DC1 or DC2, those who receive a monthly stipend of 120,000 yen or more, and government-sponsored international students will receive employment equivalent to 20,000 yen per month*. The amount is subject to change.
The amount is subject to change.
Procedures for Program Completion・Pubrich Hearing information
If you plan to complete the program in March 2022, please prepare according to this schedule and form.
Please note that the dates listed are the final deadlines, etc., so please allow plenty of time to prepare.
If you plan to complete your course by shortening the course period, please contact our office as soon as possible, as you will be required to undergo an examination for shortening the course period before completing the various procedures.
If you have any questions, please contact our office.
Forms related to program completion
01_File for students
02_File for professores
【Public Hearing Information】
Information on public hearings, if any, will be posted below.
Field Practice 2024
Field practice is a subject required to complete the Graduate School of Excellence in Advanced Optical and Electronic Device Creation.
If you are planning field practice this year, please follow the procedure below.
The registration procedure differs depending on the graduate school to which you belong, so please refer to the relevant items. As a general rule, the target is students who have completed the doctoral program at an outstanding graduate school.The total implementation period is 90 hours (equivalent to 2 credits) or more. This number of hours can include related training hours at Kyoto University.
From 2021, expenses related to field practice implementation will be borne by the laboratory.
[Special cases in 2024]
This year, we will allow students to conduct field practices online (e.g., Zoom) or via e-mail. Those who wish to conduct field practice via online or e-mail should discuss this with their academic advisor and follow the necessary procedures. Students in the Graduate School of Engineering should also consult with the A Cluster Academic Affairs Office.
If you wish to conduct the Field Practice online, etc., please replace “dispatch” with “implementation” in the “Destination” and “Dispatch Period” sections of the Field Practice Implementation Plan, etc. The next and subsequent years are currently under consideration.
[For Graduate School of Engineering students]
The course of the research internship will be read as the course of field practice, so please take the procedure of the research internship.
(1) Obtain the forms of “Research Internship Implementation Plan and Implementation Confirmation” (Engineering) and “Dispatch Expense Usage Plan” from the A Cluster Academic Affairs Section, or download from the following.
・Field practicing implementation plan and implementation confirmation (construction)
・Field Practics: Dispatch Expense Usage Plan
(2) After fully consulting with your academic advisor, fill in the necessary items in places other than the implementation confirmation column of the “Research internship implementation plan and implementation confirmation”, and perform the research internship (field practice) together with the “dispatch expense usage plan”. ) Please submit it to your academic advisor at least one and a half months before the implementation. Please note that if the submission is delayed, it may not be possible to carry out the schedule on schedule.
(3) If the submitted content is approved, your academic advisor will contact you to that effect, so please carry out a research internship (field practice).
(4)As soon as the research internship (field practice) is completed, please fill in the required items in the implementation result column of the “Research internship implementation plan and implementation confirmation” and submit it to your academic advisor.
[Graduate School of Science Students / Graduate School of Informatics Students]
(1) Please download the “Field Practice Implementation Plan and Implementation Confirmation” (physical and information) and “Dispatch Expense Usage Plan” from the following.
・Field practicing implementation plan and implementation confirmation (science / information)
・Field Practics: Dispatch Expense Usage Plan
(2) After fully consulting with your academic advisor, fill in the necessary items in places other than the implementation confirmation column of the “Field Practice Implementation Plan and Implementation Confirmation Form”, and implement the field practice together with the “Dispatch Expense Usage Plan”. Please submit it to your academic advisor at least one and a half months in advance. Please note that if the submission is delayed, it may not be possible to carry out the schedule on schedule.
(3) If the submitted content is approved, your academic advisor will contact you to that effect, so please implement field practice.
(4) As soon as the field practice is completed, fill in the required items in the implementation result column of the “Field Practice Implementation Plan and Implementation Confirmation” and submit it to your academic advisor.
Employment consultation
Research Grant 2024
Guidelines for Research Grant Application
and Cooperative Research Grant Application
The research grant is a support for this research activity funded jointly by the Graduate School of Excellence in Advanced Optical and Electronic Device Creation and the Center for Education and Research in Optical and Electronic Science and Engineering attached to the Graduate School of Engineering.
This is a system in which research proposals based on the free ideas of WISE program students and doctoral students in the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Department of Electronic Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, are solicited, and research funds are paid to doctoral students who have made excellent proposals after examination.
We are soliciting proposals as follows, so please do not hesitate to apply to students.
This year, applications will be accepted in two phases, the first and second phases. In addition, joint applications by multiple applicants will be accepted as `Collaborative Research Grant’. For details, see “10. Collaborative Research Grant“.
In addition, in order to use this initiative not only to foster autonomous and independent researchers, but also to trigger the new development of optoelectronic science and engineering through free thinking, the professor emeritus Hiroyuki Matsunami, a professor of the Department of Electronics, has made a commitment.
Based on this, the electrical students who presented the best research will be awarded a supplementary prize 100,000 yen in cash. (Collaborative Research Grant is not the subject of this award.)
- Qualifications for application, etc.
Excellent graduate program students and doctoral students in the Department of Electrical Engineering (Katsura area) and the Department of Electronic Engineering (Katsura area) of the Graduate School of Engineering (Students with DC1 and DC2 qualifications of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science can also apply) and engineering Master’s student in the graduate school electrical engineering doctoral course.
However, those who have suspended their qualifications due to leave of absence, etc. cannot apply.
Note that you cannot apply for Research Grant or Cooperative Research grant when the proposed research topic has any financial support.
In addition, the research activity should be completed within the fiscal year 2024 (March 2025).
Collaborative Research Grant can be applied by a group of students who belong to WISE program.
2.Number of the Grant awardees
Research Grant:
WISE program students: 10 (6 in Phase 1, 4 in Phase 2 ((including Collaborative Research Grant)))
non-WISE program students: About several cases (in each phase)
3.Amount received
WISE program students: up to 400,000 yen
non-WISE program students: 100,000 yen to hundreds of thousands of yen
4.Estimated start date
Phase 1: July 22, 2024 (Mon.)
Phase 2: November 1, 2024 (Fri.)
5.Matters to be stated in the research activity expense application form (total of about 2 pages of A4 size)
・Applicant’s affiliation, name, etc. ・ Problem name ・ Background of research ・ Background of the idea and content of proposal ・ Implementation plan ・ Desired subsidy amount and its breakdown ・ Collaborative researchers, etc.
Please download the application form (including the entry procedure) from the following.
2024 research grant application form & entry procedure [for WISE program students]
2024 research grant application form & entry procedure [for non- WISE program students]
6.Application period / destination for submission of application documents
Phase 1: From June 3, 2024 (Mon.) to June 28 (Fri.) until 17:00
Phase 2: From September 2 (Mon.), 2024 to October 10 (Thu.) until 17:00
Please send the application documents by e-mail to the Chief Secretary’s Office of the Department of Electrical Engineering (E-mail:
(Please also send to this address if you are a student of the Excellent Graduate Program of the Graduate School of Science or the Graduate School of Informatics)
The subject of the email should be “Research Grant Application,” or “Cooperative Research Grant Application.”
Documents will be examined according to the evaluation items described in the entry procedure,
and the results will be notified by July 19, 2024 (Fri.) for the 1st period and by October 25, 2024 (Fri.) for the 2nd period.
- Achievement report by Research Grant Application winners. (For Collaborative Research Grant, see section 10. “Collaborative Research Grant “.)
Regarding the research activities that were eligible for the benefits, you will be asked to report the results in English at the research grant result report meeting held at the end of the fiscal year. At that time, one of the best presenters will be commended. In addition, you will be required to submit a research result report (slides used for presentation, etc.) by the designated date in March 2024.
- What to do if you want to hear the opinions of a corporate researcher
If you would like to hear the opinions of corporate researchers regarding research proposals, please check the relevant column of the application form (Only for WISE program students).
When asking a corporate researcher for their opinions, there is a risk of problems related to intellectual property protection and patents. A corporate researcher will ask you to submit a confidentiality pledge, but please make sure that you fully understand the precautions regarding intellectual property protection and patents, and obtain the consent of your academic advisor.
- Cooperative Research Grant
We are pleased to announce a new call for applications for the ” Cooperative Research Grant ” this year. The following is an outline of this grant and some important points to note.
・ Applications must be submitted jointly by multiple WISE program students; applications from non-WISE program students, or including non-WISE program students will not be accepted.
・ The application period and application format are the same as for the regular 2nd call, however, all applicants must indicate their affiliations, names, etc. on the application form.
・ Research results of the Joint Research Grant will be reported in a poster presentation (in English) at the International Symposium which will be held in March 2025.
Note that Cooperative Research Grant is not subject to the Best Research Presenter Award or the Electrical Engineering Student Supplementary Award.
・ The research results report (including the poster data used in the presentation) must be submitted by the designated date in March 2025.
・ You can submit different proposals on different research topics to both the Research Grant and the Cooperative Research Grant, only when you can conduct both of the research projects sufficiently.