3月10日に予定しておりました「International Symposium on Creation of Advanced Photonic and Electronic Devices 2020」は、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止の観点から多数の方が集まる形でのシンポジウム開催は見送ることとなりました。
Due to concerns of the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus, “International Symposium on Creation of Advanced Photonic and Electronic Devices 2020”, which was scheduled on March 10, will not be held as a symposium attended by many participants.
The students who were planning poster presentations are required to submit the data of their posters (not to be disclosed), and the posters will be evaluated by the faculty. By the above treatment of posters and the publication of abstracts of poster presentations to the people concerned, the poster presentations shall be deemed to have been presented.